What are Eye floaters and where are they?
Eye floaters literally look like tiny figures that are present inside the eyeball and they become the part of the person’s field of vision causing them issues with their vision. These figures might appear in the form of spots or even threads and squiggly lines. Bright backgrounds like a blue sky or even a white wall make it more obvious and whiter in color. Many people get them even once in a life but they don’t really require treatment for eye floaters because they are not a threat to the health of the eye.
Symptoms of Eye Floaters: How to Identify Eye Floaters?
They can appear as spots, threads, squiggly lines, or even cobweb-like structures. These phenomena are most observable when the light is dim or dark as these tiny clumps of gel or cells that float inside the eye tend to float deeper than the vitreous, a clear jellylike form which tends to expand with age. However, as the vitreous gel gets thicker and the head more moon-shaped with age, it starts losing its form and shrinks, in turn making these clumps break up and float around more freely.
Causes of Eye Floaters (Myodesopsias) | Reasons for Floaters in the Eyes
The primary causes of floaters include:
- Aging: With age, changes in the shape and consistency of the vitreous body happen resulting in clumping of collagen fibers which then leads to floaters.
- Vitreous Detachment: The vitreous gels gradually pulls away from the retina due to age. There are times when the number of floaters increases, or there are flashes of light.
- Underlying Conditions: Floaters may also be related to diabetic retinopathy, eye inflammation, retinal tears, detachments, or bleeding inside the eye.
To what extent Eye floaters are harmless and when should we Seek Help
You may also require professional help if:
- A sudden decrease in number of floaters occurs.
- Flashes of light accompanying floaters.
- There are dark blotches or areas in the vision which are not clear.
The highlighted symptoms could in fact be warning signs of a retinal detachment or a tear. To conclude, despite the fact floaters are very common and mostly harmless, they are still an indicator for an emergency which more often results from aging.

Image Credit: Pexels, Kush Kaushik
What are Flashes of Light?
Light flashes in the visual field, commonly referred to as “shooting stars” or “lightning streaks,” arise from various factors pertaining to the internal constituents of the eye. The following are some facts that encompass this phenomenon.
Causes of Flashes of Light
- Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD): This, particularly in the older population, has been the most commonly occurring cause. It manifests when the gel that fills the eye shrinks and separates from the retina causing it to pull, which in turn causes flashes.
- Retinal Tears or Detachment: In the case whereby a tear in the retina was instigated by PVD, there could be stronger flashes caused which would warrant seeking immediate care in an attempt to avoid losing one’s sense of sight.
- Optic Neuritis: Flashes can now be caused by the swelling of the optic nerve. Most of the time it accompanies multiple sclerosis or any other neurological problems.
- Other Conditions: Flashes can point out to cases of retinal hemorrhage, migraines (more so migraine onset), or an injury to the eye among other health concerns.
Symptoms and Appearance
Flashes may appear as:
- White or sparkly bursts of light.
- Zig-zag lines or jagged streaks.
- Brief pops similar to flashbulbs.
- Flickering lights or spinning shapes.
They can appear in one or both eyes, with conditions such as low light or rotation of the head being a contributory factor.
When to Seek Medical Attention
Regularly coming across flashes could be something to be worried about as it is possible that you will need to consult a doctor:
- Flashes that were once rare become more common and frequent.
- New floaters that accompany flashes.
- Visual distortions or a “curtain” effect over your vision.
- Flashes that took place after suffering an injury to the eye.
It cannot be stressed enough that seeing an ophthalmologist must be your priority as this will enable the identification of various serious conditions that include retinal tears and detachments. If left unattended, these conditions can obliterate your vision permanently.
Conditions and Diseases that may cause eye floaters
The presence of eye floaters might be symptomatic of the underlying conditions. For floaters to form, the following are some of the conditions diseases that can cause them:
Causes of Eye Floaters (Myodesopsias):
- Diabetic Retinopathy: Diabetic complications can cause damage to the blood vessels and constant blood leakage and formation of floaters becomes possible.
- Uveitis: The middle eye layer known as Uvea might swell up and flood the vitreous with some debris causing eye floaters.
- Retinal Detachment: This is a more serious problem, as the retina separates from its original area, most of the time increasing the number of floaters and causing flashes.
- Retinal Tears: In a very similar fashion to retinal detachment, pulls of the vitreous on the retina can also lead to the formation of tears in the retina leading to the formation of floaters.
- Vitreous Hemorrhage: Any form of bleeding that occurs inside the volume of the on can be blood vessels or injuries and presence of retinal tears, which in return leads to increase in the number of floaters.
- Age Related Changes: The aging process leads to a number of changes within the eye. One such example is floaters, and this usually occurs to older individuals however it is not an actual disease.
- Eye Injury: An eye injury is as bad as it sounds, it can result in bleeding or lead other changes to the vitreous and cause floaters
- Intraocular Tumors. Inside the eyeball, tumors may float the eyes because they may tear normal structure of the vitreous or cause bleeding inside the eye.
- Inflammatory Diseases. Eye inflammation caused by sarcoidosis or multiple sclerosis may cause the formation of floaters.
- Vitreous Detachment. This Is the situation where the vitreous gel tears off from the retina. This commonly increases the number of floaters.
- Ocular Migraines. Their main feature is that they disturb vision, however ocular migraines do cause floaters.
- High Myopia (Nearsightedness). Vitreous changes are more frequent in people suffering with myopia, resulting in a higher incidence of floaters.
- Surgery Complications. In cases after surgery such as cataracts, an increase in floaters has been reported.
As it is well known that many causes of eye floaters (Myodesopsias) are harmless and they proportionate with aging, there are a good number of diseases and conditions that can also lead to development of eye floaters. Any sudden changes in the number of floaters or other sight disturbances such as increase in the number of flashes or altered vision qualifies to see a doctor without a doubt.
– Treatment for Eye Floaters: How to cure eye floaters and flashes?
– Natural remedies for eye floaters: How to get rid of eye floaters the natural way
How to treat eye floaters without surgery?
1] Diet for reducing eye floaters
Recent scientific findings including data collected in the FLoater Intervention Study (FLIES) suggest that a specific dietary profile rich in certain vitamins and minerals help maintain the health of the vitreous and may offer a remedy for floaters. The following is an indicative picture of the recommended diet alongside timelines of when to begin the said diet:
Recommended Dietary Items
1. Foods Rich in Vitamin C:
- Sources: Includes papaya, pineapple, mango, melons including cantaloupe and watermelon; additionally, tomatoes, red and yellow bell peppers, and certain greens including kale, spinach and Brussels sprouts.
2. Zinc-rich Foods:
- Sources: Oysters, red meat, poultry, beans, and whole grain nuts like cashews and almonds.
3. L-Lysine Sources:
- Sources: Lean chicken with turkey meat, certain kinds of fish, dairy products such as yogurt and cheese and legumes say beans and lentils.
4. Vitis Vinifera (Grape Seed Extract):
- Unlike the other items, this may be taken as a supplement instead as it originates from grape seeds known for their antioxidant properties.
5. Citrus Aurantium:
- Similarly with Grape seed extract, this is derived from bitter orange. It is sold in supplement form and is thought to be beneficial for eye health.
Suggested Diet Plan and Timelines
- Daily Routine:
- Breakfast: A smoothie containing vitamin C rich spinach, banana high in potassium, and protein powder that contains L-lysine.
- Lunch: Salad with assorted greens (kale, spinach), cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, topped with chicken breast or chickpeas (zinc and L-lysine).
- Snack: A few nuts (almonds or cashews) and a piece of fruit like an orange or kiwi (vitamin C).
- Dinner: Lean meats or fish, steamed broccoli, quinoa or brown rice.
- Supplementation:
- Take a standard multivitamin daily that has zinc, vitamin C, and L-lysine in appropriate doses.
- As per the healthcare expert, take grape seed and citrus aurantium extracts.
- Timeline for Implementation:
- Initiate this dietary schedule right away and keep the routine for at least 6 months. Research indicates that drastic changes in floaters can be expected in six months’ time.
2] Lifestyle Adjustments
- Eye Exercises: Maximum blood flow to the eyes can be effectively achieved by eye exercises performed regularly. Simple exercises include focusing on far away objects or making circular motions with the eyes.
- Rest and Relaxation: Make sure to get sufficient sleep and regularly take time off from screens to prevent the further strain of the eyes which may aggravate the visibility of the floaters.
- Protective Measures: Protect your eyes with sunglasses with UV protection when outside from bright light which can worsen the floating vision.
Clearly, one of the most effective diets for tackling floaters are nutrient rich diets. A diet change aims at strengthening overall eye endurance only and not getting rid of some vision floaters. It would also be of interest to have regular contact with an eye specialized in case any vision changes occur.
3] Eye floaters treatment in Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, the treatment of eye diseases is to be done in a holistic manner by addressing and correcting the body ergonomics forming factors – particularly Vata Dosha when following treatment for eye floaters. Below is provided a description of typical Ayurvedic herbs used to cure eye floaters, the role of nasya therapy and the role of panchakarma detoxification in prevention of eye floaters and its recurrence.
Ayurvedic Herbs for Eye Floaters
- Triphala: A combination of three fruits – these are amla, haritaki and bibhitaki – amla is famous as an antioxidant and an inflammatory agent therefore Triphala is able to help with depression and also serve as a detox for the body and also improve eye sight by revitalizing the eye tissues.
- Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla consists of a vast amount of vitamin c and antioxidant concentration which assists in protection against oxidative stress on the body along with the inflammation of the eyes which may act as a avoidance to the cause of the floaters.
- Yashtimadhu (Licorice): This herb is frequently blended with the Triphala taking to boost the effect. It is Known to possess properties for soothing as well as effective eye nourishment.
- Ashwagandha: This specific herb is highly useful in terms of fighting depression and anxiety. Also, it boosts the antioxidant activity concerning the eyes.
- Bilberry: Known to have anthocyanins or more easily phosphorus, bilberry has further been known to improve blood circulation as well relieving any inflamed parts of the body which potentially reduces the manage eye floaters.
- Ginkgo BilobaThis herb is well known to enhance blood circulation to the eyes which in turn could benefit enhancing the blood flow and reduce inflammation while improving visibility.
Nasya Therapy
Administration of Nasya Therapy constitutes the nasal use of oils or herbal medicinal preparations. This practice aims to expel toxins (ama) from the region of the head, enhance blood circulation as well as balancing Vata dosha. Nasya therapy can also be effective to some extent in removing the symptoms of eye floaters as it increases blood circulation to the eyes and decreases the inflammation in them.
Panchakarma Detoxification Therapy
The intent of Panchakarma is detoxification of the body from the built up toxins and imbalances in the doshas. A few of the more familiar techniques include Sirodhara (in which warm oil is poured on the forehead), Netra Tharpanam (in which medicated ghee is administered to the eyes), and Siro Abhyanga (a massage to the head) which aim at stabilizing the Vata dosha and enhancing ocular health. Going for regular sessions of Panchakarma does not only reduce the intensity of already existing floaters but may also protected the individual from future occurrences of floaters due to the strengthening of the available doshas.
To sum up, Nasya therapy, Panchakarma and surgical interventions employing herbs are all effective in treating eye floaters according to Ayurveda thanks to their impact on the circulatory and the vegetative nervous system for the needs of a diseased organism. All these treat the vessels and the tissues of the eyeball, surrounding the eyeball, as well as those which are situated within the skull or the crests of the facial bones.
Best Ayurvedic medicine for eye floaters | Eye floaters Ayurvedic medicine
Here is a list of commercially available Ayurvedic medicine targeting eye floaters:
Commercial Ayurvedic Medicines for Eye Floaters
- Arogya Netram Ayurvedic Eye Drops: It has ingredients like turmeric and pippali which are included in the drops to enhance circulation in the eye hoping to achieve the main focus of safeguarding the eyeball and also to improve the sight of the user. It is promising in the relaxation of the eye with the help of its judicious composition.
- Triphala-Yashti Yoga: It combines the use of Triphala and licorice, together with Triphala it is known to contain strong antioxidative properties. This particular blend assists the body and eyes, increasing the overall health of both, thus decreasing the severity of floaters.
- Netra Tarpana: This kind of therapy includes medically administered ghee that is soaked and kept around the eyes, the intent for such a treatment is to provide nourishment and relaxation to the eyes. This is believed to reduce ocular tissues and enhance eyesight.
- Saptamrita Lauh: This is a good formulation recommended for improving the eyesight especially of a person with myopia and night blindness. This formulation is also good to mitigate dry and uncomfortable feeling in the eyes.
- Anu Taila: This nasal oil is helpful to the eye and is used through Nasyya therapy, this aids in the clarity of vision and also reduces the strain in the eye, and this is achieved through the nasal oil being regularly applied.
- Amla Rasayana: With the use of Indian gooseberry (Amla), this composite may work well in most patients, since it is high in Vitamin C, beneficial for the general health of the eyes and could lessen the floaters’ effect.
- Ginkgo Biloba Extract: This is a herb that can be found in capsules which aids in the improvement of blood circulation in the regions of the eyes and cut down on the inflammation that is likely to occur with floaters.
- Bilberry Supplements: Mostly capsules or extracts, bilberry contains a high therapeutic value of anthocyanins which are good for the eyes and provide nutrients through the blood to the retina.
These Ayurvedic eye medicines aim towards addressing the doshas and managing the symptoms associated with eye ailments using natural products. One must visit an experienced practitioner of Ayurveda prior to commencing the new treatment plan so that effective and safe modalities are devised for the patient.
4] Eye floaters treatment in Homeopathy
Homeopathy manages eye floaters through different approaches that focus on personalized treatment for specific symptoms and their reasons. Here’s a list of some effective homeopathic medicines commonly used for eye floaters:
Homeopathic Medicines for Eye Floaters
- Cineraria Maritima – The remedy for eye floaters ‘Cineraria Maritima’ is known to aid blood flow within the eyes and aid in tissue development. Moreover, it helps by cleansing the eyes from toxins and has potential to assist in relieving the symptoms of floaters.
- Euphrasia (Eyebright) – A homeopathic remedy commonly called “Eyebright”, it now appears that the herb has more profound usage, predominantly for vision issues, including treating floaters among many patients suffering from dry eye, burning sensation and light sensitive eyes.
- Phosphorus – Phosphorus, a biochemic remedy, is given to patients who tend to see flashes of light or black spots because they feel discomfort in their vision due to glary objects.
- Natrum Muriaticum – Floaters comprising zigzag lines are more pronounced with this remedy, particularly in individuals experiencing emotional stress or fatigue.
- Argentum Nitricum – Given to patients who are light intolerant and suffers from vision related issues, the Argentum Nitricum remedy aids in managing the attached brown floaters to the eyes.
- Causticum – The remedy is helpful in the case of individuals who suffer from pain all due to floaters or cloudiness that inflicts pain in the eyeballs, aiding in overall peace of the patient while improving various visual impairments.
- Sepia: This remedy is effective in the treatment of severed vision as well as the presence of glare hence properly fitting for patients suffering from floaters.
- Kali Carb: It is helpful in management of chronic floaters. Kali carb is particularly indicated for sharp eye pain which is aggravated while reading.
- Conium Maculatum: This remedy is also recommended for age floaters and visual disturbance secondary to the aging process.
- Cyclamen: Recommended for changing spots before both eyes, Cyclamen is also helpful in controlling flashes of lights and other visual disturbances.
The homeopathic approach in treating eye floaters is individualized and as such a consultation with a qualified homeopath is mandatory to ascertain the correct choice and dilution. The use of these remedies to help the patients to significantly alleviate their symptoms but should be firstly noted that treatment should only be commenced after any potentially serious condition, identified by an ophthalmologist, has been eliminated.
Does consuming turmeric for eye floaters really work?
There are those who believe that turmeric and its active component curcumin might be good for the eyes, even reducing eye floaters, due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Some studies indicate that curcumin may act as a protective effect against the collagen in the vitreous humor oxidative damage and thereby floaters formation are prevented. However, there is little evidence that supports using turmeric for treating floaters especially.
Just as a seasonal herb, turmeric is edible and health promoting, but that does not imply that it will relieve floaters; as scientific evidence of it doing so is rather thin. This remains an unresolved issue, considering the vast scope of research in the past with no point of view substantiated with clinical evidence that eye floaters may be reduced due to consumption of turmeric or its other forms.
How effective is Pineapple for eye floaters?
The consumption of Pineapple appeared to have some effect in the reduction of eye floaters which was mostly attributed to the consumption of bromelain, as this enzyme is said to assist in the breakdown of collagen fibers which are thought to contribute towards the formation of floaters. A study by Taiwanese researchers suggested that subjects who took pineapple every day for three months had a great effect in reducing floaters where about 70% claimed to have betterment. The results indicated a dose-response effect, where the greater the amount taken the greater the decrease in the symptoms of floaters.
Pineapple in comparison to other dietary interventions may have a possible additional advantage owing to its particular enzymes. While many other antioxidant rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, citrus and nuts which can be said to promote general eye health, they may not address the processes behind the formation of floaters as efficiently as bromelain is. However, further studies are warranted to determine the regards of pineapple in relation to other nutritional approaches to eye floaters and to assess its effectiveness and safety in the long run.
Eye floaters after cataract surgery
After cataract surgery, one may often notice floaters, which can be due to various reasons that relate to the surgical procedure. Floater is the perceived movement of small particles within the eyeball, which can often be disturbing after surgery.
As a result of cataract surgery, the eye’s natural lens is taken out and substituted with an artificial lens which in turn affects the structures within the eye such as the vitreous gel. The patient might have a chance of posterior vitreous detachment, during this detachment the vitreous pulls away from the surface of the retina and this event enables many new floaters to emerge and such occurrence is especially common in the aftermath of surgery.
Such floaters can usually be considered as an after effect of surgery, as many patients only notice them for a few weeks or even months, but that’s not always the case: these could be early indication sights of severe complications such as a retinal tear or retinal detachment, In cases like these often patients report multiple light flashes or other optical alterations which currently is unexplained.
In most scenarios it is considered that such floater usually diminish with time as the brain gets used to this new shift, thus becomes inconspicuous hence it is rendered harmless. It is suggested to keep track of any symptoms that occur such as an abnormal growth in the number of floaters, those could signify something more serious which might require eye care treatment.
Appearance of black floaters in eyes during Pregnancy
The emergence of black floaters in the eyes during pregnancy might be caused by bodily fluid retention alongside changes in the person’s hormones. This makes the vitreous gel within the eye more liquid and disorganized. Consequently, the floaters that are usually seen appear as small dark dots or strands within the person’s scope of vision.
Indeed, these floaters are regarded as harmless and of short duration in pregnancy, they may also be a signal of underlying pathology, like preeclampsia if coupled with other signs such as blurred vision or light flashes. Hence, it becomes very important that during pregnancy those suffering from fresh or worsening floaters, get evaluated appropriately by their physician and provide adequate follow up to both the mother and baby.
Relation between diabetes and eye floaters
The relationship between the occurrence of eye floaters and diabetes is evident in the way it affects the diabetic retinopathy. This condition is encountered when the high levels of sugar in the blood get to destroy the tiny blood vessels located in the retina resulting in leaking and bleeding. Because of this, patients suffering from diabetes may have the floater since these blood cells and the fluid casts shadow on the retina.

Image Credit: Pexels, Shirsendu Adak
A floater can be described as small dots, or small, straight lines, or cobwebs in one’s view. There is an estimation that 40% to 45% of the diabetic patients present with retinopathy and generally floaters remain the first important and early visible changes and this is the reason, the patients get the eye checks done as this may throw light on other retinopathy changes related to the diabetes disease which the patients were unaware of.
Floaters may also be associated with other diabetes-related conditions alongside diabetic retinopathy, one of which is diabetic macular edema (DME). The structures of the eye over time are prone to disturbance such as DME which is characterized by the buildup of fluid in the macula thereby affecting disturbances like floaters. Therefore, diabetic patients should exercise strict control of their blood sugar to avoid the progression of these eye complications.
In fact, it is advisable to have regular check-ups in order to be able to catch any onset of diabetic eye disease early, especially if there are new floaters or a change in vision occurs.
Relation between high blood pressure and eye floaters
Hypertensive retinopathy is a condition characterized by the damage caused to the eye from hypertension. High blood pressure injures the swollen blood vessels located at the back of your eye. This leads to floaters, which are moving specks in your range of sight.
What combines a higher risk of losing your eyesight or developing a substantial complication, more pressure on the blood vessels in the retina over time leads to blood leakage into your vitreous humor watching out the faint chance for the treatment. Over time if the loss of blood pressure is not taken care of, it is likely to amplify further along with losing the chance to place the sight acquiring medication or treatment.
That being said, hypertension comes with further consequences other than just developing floaters. Floaters in the case of hypertension impact weave or in severe cases blurred sight things due to strong chances of optic nerve atrophy. These issues mentioned arise with time due to blood pressure not being checked so, administering control is absolutely recommendable given it is not just only regarding the vision but has a parallel impact on overall well being.
Eye floaters gone success stories
Although there are not many accounts of individuals entirely eliminating eye floaters through the use of dietary measures and self-help practices, there are remarkable accounts of the positive effect lifestyle changes can have on the condition. Here are a few examples based on common themes in natural approaches to managing eye floaters:
Success Stories of Managing Eye Floaters
A number of persons have recounted their experiences in dealing with and even eliminating eye floaters by resorting to changes in their lifestyle, food and even the use of home remedies all of which are alternatives to surgery. Notable of such tales are outlined below:
Change in Eating Habits and Use of Supplements
- MSM Usage: A user stated that after applying MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) drops, he experienced a reduction of nearly 60 percent in the density and color of the floaters, thereby improving significantly his vision. This experience suggests that some complementary medicines could mitigate floaters symptoms.
- Nutritional Approach: Another person considered a nutritional approach and self medication using multivitamins, magnesium, CoQ10, vitamin B2, bilberry, vitamin C, omega-3 and other supplements including brain healthy foods such as multivitamins. They also directed their attention toward an intake of fruits such as blueberries tomatoes as they believed it contributed to ameliorating their visual disturbances over a period of time.
- Bromelain from Pineapple: A user mentioned that bromelain, found in pineapple, is said to help with floaters. However, they had not used it but remarked that some people had good results with this natural remedy.
Changes in Lifestyle
- Shifting the Perception: Some users noticed that thoughts of their mental pain revolving around floaters lessened when they utilized methods such as meditation or simple acceptance of their loss. As these people placed more focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and pursuing more worthwhile endeavors, the symptom so cost and after spending time engaging in the activity, the person would complain less, and at times not at all, about the symptom over time.
- Exercises for Neck and Eye: Some people have argued that some specific exercises targeting the neck area and maintaining certain recommended angles will improve one’s eyesight and possibly improve floaters. A few others stated that some of these physical changes helped them sufficiently improve their condition.
- Hydration: Adequate hydration is advised as it might be effective in reducing floaters occurrence, along with other measures like medications.
General Observations
Many people stated that although they continued to see floaters, they became accustomed to them and at some point began to ignore, or consider them less disturbing. This change usually coincided with patients’ maturation when their lifestyles changed and more emphasis was placed on general well being instead of solely on the floaters.
These post facts bear out the contention that there are no known absolute ways of eliminating eye floaters, except surgery options, many patients have been able to manage them by dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle modifications.
Eye Floaters Success Stories References:
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Ophthalmology/comments/11thh8l/phd_student_researching_treatment_for_floaters/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/visualsnow/comments/gji9ls/please_do_we_have_any_success_stories/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/EyeFloaters/comments/1azhedf/success_story/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1g0pwss/i_am_an_eye_doctor_ama/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/EyeFloaters/comments/15lgov5/my_personal_story_with_eye_floaters/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/EyeFloaters/comments/10uiw6y/vitrectomy_success_story_27_years_old_uk/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/EyeFloaters/comments/1ewyvpm/my_10_year_success_story/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Type1Diabetes/comments/11dk8ol/hoping_someone_can_give_me_a_success_story_please/
While these accounts are not scientifically verified, they do show increasing trend of the use of natural remedies targeting eye floaters. For such individuals intending to try these approaches, it would be best to speak with a medical professional beforehand to ensure safety, effectiveness, and customized purpose.
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To summarize, eye floaters can be seen as common age-related changes that most people develop. Even there is almost no need of treatment as they are mostly harmless, the increase in the frequency or any addition of new symptoms such as flashes of light should be addressed to the specialist as it indicates the presence of conditions such as retinal tear or retinal detachment. Changes in vision should be emphasized and medicine should be sought whenever necessary.
Certain strategies such as diet, lifestyle and ayurvedic treatment may assist in managing or even reducing the burden of floaters. Regular visits to an eye care specialist can guarantee adequate eye health with timely treatment being instituted when required.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Does dry eye cause floaters?
No, Dry eye does not directly cause floaters, although the two may be experienced together especially with older adults. Floaters tend to be associated with age-related degenerative transformation of the vitreous gel in the eye while dry eye refers to the condition characterized by inadequate or poor tear production. Although they have some common risk factors like age and some medical illnesses, these are different conditions and, in fact, have no cause and effect relationship.
Can a pinched nerve in neck cause eye floaters?
A pinched nerve in the neck is not known to cause eye floaters directly. Eye floaters are especially associated with morbid changes in the vitreous humor in the eye of the person and are common with advancing age or due to other ocular conditions. Musculoskeletal problems in the cervical region can cause symptoms like headaches and even visual symptoms but do not typically cause the visual phase of floaters.
What causes floaters in the eyes and what is the treatment for it?
Floaters are primarily attributed to the degeneration of the vitreous gel as one grows older, where the strands of the gel come together and then cast a shadow upon the retina. Eye trauma’s, inflammation, and even such medical conditions such as diabetes can cause floaters. On its own, floaters do not require treatment unless the vision is affected; this can include taking a watchful waiting approach and as a last resort, there are surgical procedures such as vitrectomy.
Can eye infection cause floaters?
Floaters and eye infection injuries may be causally linked. However, not all infections are damaging. Some injuries on the retina or swelling at the eyeball or luminance within the vitreous body may succeed too. All of these physical ailments and infections can potentially lead to troublesome floaters, macular tearing, or retinal shedding which can require intervention to rectify and thus should be treated as an emergency.
Are eye floaters common?
Yes, eye floaters frequently occur as it has been documented that around 76% of individuals experience them at least once in their lives. Floaters commonly develop as an individual grows older in which during this time, the gel-like substance in the eye also transforms, resulting in small clumps or strands that project shadows unto the retina. Although they may be bothersome, most floaters do not point toward any critical condition and are in fact, not dangerous.
Can rubbing eyes cause floaters?
Rubbing the eyes does not directly induce floaters, but it can result in getting rid of the gel or applying pressure that may result in some temporary changes in vision that leads to eye floaters. When an individual rubs their eyes, they would dislocate the vitreous gel present in the eye. However, what causes floaters seems to be age-related changes fundamentally in the vitreous rather than rubbing itself.
What causes eye floaters in 30s or early ages?
Younger adults specifically those in their 30s can develop eye floaters due to high myopia (nearsightedness), any trauma to the eye or even due to inflammation in the eye. The eyeball in myopic individuals atrophies thus the chances of uttering floaters due to vitreous detachment is high. Some causes can also be retinal tear or uveitis and such conditions which can lead to people developing floaters earlier than usual.